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Yuveo Clinic

Testicular Implants for Testicular Augmentation

Testicular implants (testicular prostheses) offer a surgical option for aesthetic reconstruction of the testicles.

An accident, an illness or ultimately a testicular malformation can lead to the desire to replace it.

Possible causes

– Testicular cancer

– Inguinal testicles

– Injury to the testicle

– Pathological reduction of the testicular tissue

– Testicular torsion

– Testicular shrinkage

– Only one testicle attached

– Inflammation of the epididymis

We select the right implant size and form for the individual testicle. This enables us to achieve a natural and high-quality surgical result.


Yuveo Klinik

Special Features of Testicular Implants

Surgical augmentation of the testicles is not only very important for aesthetic reasons, but also for psychological reasons for the men affected.

Testicular Implants

We use silicone implants to augment the testicles, restoring their aesthetic appearance.

Testicular Cancer

Testicular cancer may make it necessary to surgically remove the testicles.

Testicular Implants for Testicular Enlargement

Preparation for surgery

Before we perform the surgery, there are a few things to consider:

We recommend that you avoid nicotine and alcohol consumption for 4 weeks before the operation.

Before the surgical procedure, please treat your genital area with an antibiotic ointment to prevent inflammation.

Surgical procedure

Testicular enlargement surgery basically consists of two steps: First, we surgically enlarge the scrotum and then implant it.

We create a secure hold for the testicular implants by applying a special suture to the surrounding tissue.

Step 1

First, we widen the scrotum and insert the silicone implant.

Step 2

For optimal aesthetic correction, we move the base of the testicles slightly backwards. This allows us to achieve a balanced relationship between the testicles and the penis that you will feel comfortable with.

Testicular Implant used at the Yuveo Clinic
A testicular implant used at the Yuveo Clinic.

Frequently asked Questions about Testicular Implants for Augmentation

A testicle that is too small or malformed can lead to complexes and a high level of psychological distress, which can ultimately have a negative impact on intimate intercourse.

It is no wonder that the men affected wish to restore the symmetrical arrangement of the testicles and the natural testicular volume.

This is possible with silicone implants.

What is required is the reconstruction of the testicle in its aesthetics based on the natural model.

Yes, there is an age restriction:

This operation should only be performed after the sexual organs have fully matured and completed their growth.

At this point, we can select and insert the most suitable implants.

You can see and feel the increased testicular volume immediately after the surgery.

The final result will be visible around 14 days after the operation. The swelling must first subside.

Treatment with testicular implants is permanent. It is not usually necessary to repeat this surgery.

Surgery after testicular cancer or to replace a testicle is very safe.

We can control the ideal harmonious positioning of the testicles with a compression bandage, among other things.

Should inflammation of the wound occur, we will treat it with suitable medication (e.g. antibiotics).

Your personal genital hygiene is also important.

This includes being able to recognize or rule out contraindications through a thorough consultation and medical history.

The following contraindications must be taken into account:

The surgical site must be free of inflammation. There must also be no circulatory disorder.

Has your testicle already been operated for other reasons? Then we need to clarify whether testicular enlargement is possible.

Checking the Facts

  • Surgeon: Dr. Rene Schumann
  • Treatmentduration: about 30 to 60 minutes
  • Anesthesia: Local anesthesia, general anesthesia if necessary
  • Hospital: One night at the clinic
  • Sutures: Self-dissolving material, after 2 weeks only suture capping
  • Aftercare: Compression bandage, check-up after surgery and after 4 weeks
  • Ability to work: After 7 days
  • Intimate intercourse: No intimate intercourse within 4 weeks after surgery.
  • Sports/sun: Sport after 4 weeks, sunbathing possible after 8 weeks