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Plastic surgery in Germany

Yuveo Clinic

Legal Notice

Dr. Schumann qualified for the designation of Specialist in Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery in Germany.
He is a member of the Ärztekammer Nordrhein (North Rhine Medical Association) and is therefore subject to the relevant vocational regulations (Professional Code of Conduct for North Rhine Doctors).

Person responsible for content according to § 55 Paragraph. 2 RstV (German Broadcasting Regulations):
Dr. Rene Schumann (Click here for YUVEO CLINIC)

YUVEO Clinic Dr. Schumann
Dr. med. René Schumann
Facharzt für Plastische Chirurgie
Kaiserswerther Str. 119, 40474 Düsseldorf
Email to YUVEO , www.YUVEO.de
T 0211 24790940 F 0211 24790949
(Mo-Fr 8 am to 6 pm in Germany)

Liability: Despite careful examination of external links, we accept no responsibility for their content. The sole responsibility for the content of external links lies with the operator of the linked page.

Certificates: HON Code, afgis, Medisuch

yuveo.eu is a translation of our german website yuveo.de

HON for yuveo.de

Our internet site follows the HON-Code guidelines. These guidelines are a code of conduct written by the Health on the Net Foundation (HON-Code) which governs websites dealing with health and medicine. The goal of these guidelines is to guarantee the reliability and authenticity of the information provided.

Diese Web Seite ist von der Health On the Net Stiftung akkreditiert: Klicken Sie, um dies zu überprüfen Wir befolgen den HONcode Standard für vertrauensvolle Gesundheitsinformationen. Kontrollieren Sie dies hier.

Medisuch for yuveo.de

Certificate from the Medizinischen Suchmaschine (Medicinal Search Engine) for first class quality web-based health information. To see the review of our site, please click on the Medisuch logo.


The author, Dr. R. Schumann, is a member of the DGPRÄC (German Society of Plastic, Reconstructive, and Cosmetic Surgeons), formerly the VDPC.

Where does this information come from?

This information is provided by Dr. Rene Schumann (place of work YUVEO Klinik Dr. Schumann).

Why yuveo.eu?

The goal of this website is to provide those people interested in plastic and/or hand surgery with as much information as possible on the individual areas of this field. We aim to do so in a manner that is comprehensive and specialized, yet easy for lay persons to understand. The website should help you to understand the various treatment options and decision making processes. The aim is to provide you with an objective tool to help you participate in the decision making process. The website should also serve as a useful source of information for doctors and other medical professionals with an interest in the subject matter.

The information provided is in no way a substitute for a professional consultation with a specialist. Instead, it should facilitate the relationship and communication between doctor and patient. We hereby warn and strongly advise against self-diagnosis or self-treatment strategies without the appropriate qualifications.

Quality Assurance

Ensuring the quality of our Homepage and our articles is very important to us:

  • We react to criticism and suggestions for improvement within 5 working days
  • Inquiries are answered within 2 working days of reception
  • All articles are updated to reflect current standards of knowledge
  • Meeting the requirements for the HON and Medisuch certificates is very important to us now and in the future
  • We will continue to expand our Homepage with images and professional graphics (for better comprehension)

We use the following controls to ensure the quality of the website:

  • Randomized sampling inspections
  • Structured guidelines for creating articles
  • Articles are reviewed by a second party before being published to the site
  • Feedback from users is evaluated
  • User statistics and user traffic are evaluated

Picture sources

Some of the images are purchased material from third party copyright holders.
All other images including disease findings, operation findings, graphics, are copyright Dr. Rene Schumann. These contents may only be reproduced with the written consent of Dr. Schumann.

Dr. Schumann qualified for the designation of Specialist in Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery in Germany.
He is a member of the Ärztekammer Nordrhein (North Rhine Medical Association) and is therefore subject to the relevant vocational regulations (Professional Code of Conduct for North Rhine Doctors).

Person responsible for content according to § 55 Paragraph. 2 RstV (German Broadcasting Regulations):
Dr. Rene Schumann (Click here for YUVEO CLINIC)

YUVEO Clinic Dr. Schumann
Dr. med. René Schumann
Facharzt für Plastische Chirurgie
Kaiserswerther Str. 119, 40474 Düsseldorf
Email to YUVEO , www.YUVEO.de
T 0211 24790940 F 0211 24790949
(Mo-Fr 8 am to 6 pm in Germany)

Liability: Despite careful examination of external links, we accept no responsibility for their content. The sole responsibility for the content of external links lies with the operator of the linked page.

Certificates: HON Code, afgis, Medisuch

yuveo.eu is a translation of our german website yuveo.de

HON for yuveo.de

Our internet site follows the HON-Code guidelines. These guidelines are a code of conduct written by the Health on the Net Foundation (HON-Code) which governs websites dealing with health and medicine. The goal of these guidelines is to guarantee the reliability and authenticity of the information provided.

Diese Web Seite ist von der Health On the Net Stiftung akkreditiert: Klicken Sie, um dies zu überprüfen Wir befolgen den HONcode Standard für vertrauensvolle Gesundheitsinformationen. Kontrollieren Sie dies hier.

Medisuch for yuveo.de

Certificate from the Medizinischen Suchmaschine (Medicinal Search Engine) for first class quality web-based health information. To see the review of our site, please click on the Medisuch logo.


The author, Dr. R. Schumann, is a member of the DGPRÄC (German Society of Plastic, Reconstructive, and Cosmetic Surgeons), formerly the VDPC.

Where does this information come from?

This information is provided by Dr. Rene Schumann (place of work YUVEO Klinik Dr. Schumann).

Why yuveo.eu?

The goal of this website is to provide those people interested in plastic and/or hand surgery with as much information as possible on the individual areas of this field. We aim to do so in a manner that is comprehensive and specialized, yet easy for lay persons to understand. The website should help you to understand the various treatment options and decision making processes. The aim is to provide you with an objective tool to help you participate in the decision making process. The website should also serve as a useful source of information for doctors and other medical professionals with an interest in the subject matter.

The information provided is in no way a substitute for a professional consultation with a specialist. Instead, it should facilitate the relationship and communication between doctor and patient. We hereby warn and strongly advise against self-diagnosis or self-treatment strategies without the appropriate qualifications.

Quality Assurance

Ensuring the quality of our Homepage and our articles is very important to us:

  • We react to criticism and suggestions for improvement within 5 working days
  • Inquiries are answered within 2 working days of reception
  • All articles are updated to reflect current standards of knowledge
  • Meeting the requirements for the HON and Medisuch certificates is very important to us now and in the future
  • We will continue to expand our Homepage with images and professional graphics (for better comprehension)

We use the following controls to ensure the quality of the website:

  • Randomized sampling inspections
  • Structured guidelines for creating articles
  • Articles are reviewed by a second party before being published to the site
  • Feedback from users is evaluated
  • User statistics and user traffic are evaluated

Picture sources

Some of the images are purchased material from third party copyright holders.
All other images including disease findings, operation findings, graphics, are copyright Dr. Rene Schumann. These contents may only be reproduced with the written consent of Dr. Schumann.

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