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Testicular Augmentation with Wrap-around-Implants

Esthetic testicular augmentation with implants is requested by men who want to have their testicles enlarged because they have significantly lost size and volume due to hormone therapy or natural aging, for example.

We are able to improve the esthetic appearance of the testicles so that our patients feel comfortable with them.

The range of testicular implants available today offers innovative shapes, sizes and materials (silicone) that allow us to fulfil our patients’ individual wishes.

With the wrap-around method for esthetic testicular augmentation with implants, we are able to restore volume to the testicles and mimic their natural shape and size.

The wrap-around implant is an innovative concept for esthetic testicular augmentation.


Yuveo Klinik

Special features of esthetic testicular augmentation with a wrap-around implant

This intimate surgical procedure is used to increase the testicular volume of an existing testicle.

Wrap-around Testicular Implant

We use testicular implants that enclose the natural testicle.

Testicular implant for testicular replacement

We use silicone testicular implants to replace the missing testicle.

Testicular cancer

Chemotherapy for testicular cancer can cause the testicles to shrink.

Esthetic Testicular Augmentation with an Implant

Preparation for surgery

Please note the following during preparation for the operation:

We recommend that you avoid nicotine and alcohol consumption for 4 weeks before the operation.

Before the surgical procedure, please treat your genital area with an antibiotic ointment to prevent inflammation.

Details of the operation

In this procedure, the wrap-around implant is placed around the existing testicle. We use it to enclose the existing testicle.

The implant that we use for esthetic testicular augmentation is hollow in the centre and has an opening at one end. This is where the neurovascular cord can emerge.

The existing testicle sits inside the implant chamber.

The inner volume of the chamber corresponds to the size of the patient’s natural testicles. The outer diameter of the testicular implant corresponds to the desired enlargement.

The operation for esthetic testicular augmentation with an implant involves two surgical phases: Firstly, we surgically open the scrotum and then implant it.

We use a special suture to create a secure testicle-implant connection.

Surgical phase 1

First, we open the scrotum and prepare the existing testicle to receive the implant.

Surgical phase 2

We place the wrap-around implant around the testicle and fix it with fine surgical sutures. We guide the neurovascular cord out of the opening.

We also ensure a balanced esthetic relationship between the testicles and penis that you will feel comfortable with.

couple, testicular augmentation with wrap-around implants

Frequently asked questions about Esthetic Testicular Augmentation with Implants

This mainly concerns men who have testicles, which are small or not very pronounced. The desire is to increase the volume of the testicles to give them a natural size and esthetic appearance.

Men who have a smaller testicle, for example after cancer treatment or due to natural aging, wish to have it permanently enlarged.

After a quarter of a year postoperatively, everything has healed well and the newly formed testicle size is optimally visible thanks to esthetic testicular augmentation with an implant.

This is a permanent esthetic improvement in testicular volume.

With optimal results, the implant can remain in place for a lifetime.

Like any surgical procedure, esthetic testicular augmentation with implants harbours risks. Our Yuveo team will inform you in detail about these risks in advance.

In addition to the general risks of a surgical procedure, there is something else to mention in this particular case:

With the wrap-around technique, in which we wrap the testicle with an implant, there is a risk of prolapse. This means that the testicle slips out of the implant.

We use special suturing techniques to hold the testicle in place, thus strengthening the testicle-implant connection and reducing this risk to an absolute minimum.

In addition, during implantation we must ensure that the neurovascular cord emerging from the opening is not compressed.

Moreover, fluid accumulation can occur postoperatively, which we will take into account and treat professionally.

During the consultation and anamnesis we have the opportunity to recognise or rule out contraindications.

The following contraindications must be taken into account for this procedure:

– The surgical site must be free of inflammation. There must also be no circulatory disorder.

– Have you already had surgery on your testicles? Then our team of surgeons must clarify in advance whether esthetic testicular augmentation with an implant is possible for you. during aftercare.

Testicular implants that are wrapped around the testicles are suitable for small and medium-sized natural testicles. The wrap-around technique, which involves esthetic testicular augmentation with an implant, is the best way to mimic the esthetics of the natural testicle.

Check the Facts

  • Surgeon: Dr. Rene Schumann
  • Treatment duration: about 30 to 60 minutes
  • Anesthesia: Local anesthesia, general anesthesia if necessary
  • Hospital: one night at the clinic
  • Sutures: Self-dissolving material, after 2 weeks only suture capping
  • Aftercare: Compression bandage, check-up after surgery and after 4 weeks
  • Ability to work: After 7 days
  • Intimate intercourse: No intimate intercourse within 4 weeks after surgery.
  • Sports/sun: Sport after 4 weeks, sunbathing possible after 8 weeks

Further Information

In addition to esthetic testicular augmentation with implants you may be interested in the following topics:

Testicular implants


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Junger Mann, ästhetische Hodenvergrößerung mit Implantat